Can your students hold General Election candidates accountable for climate education?

Earthwatch Europe
Jun 18

One of the most unifying elements of our work with teachers and educators is building a shared language and understanding about where climate education is at now, and where it should and could go. Being able to vocalise our needs and expectations as educators gives us the opportunity to draw attention to concerns and demand change where needed.

But it can't stop there - we need to share this language and understanding with the next generation, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to represent their needs through participation in democracy.

Therefore, with the General Election coming up on Thursday 4th July, SEEd, Reboot Our Future, The Harmony Project and Our Shared World have developed PACTS - a new schools initiative that empowers students to influence politicians on climate action.

PACTS is broken down into six digestible activities which can be slotted into the school day, for both primary and secondary.

The teaching pack will take you through each of the PACTS steps from helping your students identify the climate issues they care about, to deciding what action you’ll take as a school, to writing your letters (including templates).

By the end of it, you will have contacted your MP asking for a pledge, and you will be ready to start building a relationship with them.

You can sign up and receive the teaching pack here. And if you're working with students 18 and over who are eligible to vote, please share the reminder to register to vote!